People who have experienced overnight wealth often never forget the taste of shortcuts. After enjoying the excitement of making big money, it is difficult to adapt to the loss of "making money slowly" and cannot get rid of the obsession with all-in. This is why many people who became rich overnight returned their money. The so-called "profit and loss come from the same source" is precisely this obsession with all-in, which makes the burst of wealth return to the cognitive mean. What is rare is that after becoming rich overnight and then evaporating wealth, the improvement of cognition has made a comeback. It is difficult to overcome greed, anger, and ignorance for getting rich overnight; it is also difficult to overcome resentment and jealousy for the evaporation of wealth; after overcoming greed, anger, ignorance, resentment, and jealousy, everything turns into self-cognition, which is the most difficult.

When the big trend has not reached its peak, you will find that you are running around, adding and subtracting positions, selling high and buying low, it is better to hold your position until the end. So I don't like to do these little tricks, just hold it when I see it.

When the big trend reaches its peak, people who sell high and buy low, after escaping the top, buy as soon as it falls, and are still trapped, just like people with full positions. So, there is no need to toss and turn, stay consistent, and don't be a fence-sitter.

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