Can I buy a house now?

My opinion

The price will not drop, it will just not be sold, and then we will enter the era of universal rental housing.

It is impossible to fall again, otherwise those who bought at high prices in the past two years and are still paying off their loans will kill and set fires on the streets to retaliate against society.

But it will no longer be traded, just like financial products that cannot be converted into cash, all are book values.

Don’t talk about the supply and demand relationship. When supply exceeds demand, the government will buy some public rentals and then demolish the rest. Milk poured into the sea will not be given to the poor.

If you want to buy an improved house (garden courtyard, large flat, villa), you can wait for the auction of the landlord who has an accident, or the bargain of the real boss whose liquidity chain is broken. After all, the owners of the luxury housing area are more bloody.

Second-hand housing is a market economy, one house and one price, and it is still very differentiated. Good things need to be snatched. There is no need to cut the high price of the first-hand future house. It is also their fate to lose the house if the delivery is late. It is too slow to leave the market.

When a woman gets married, she should not demand that the man must have a house. You should have your own house and your own property certificate. This is your pre-marital property. No matter what Transformers the man has, they are all yours. Ask the man to bring a gift + decoration money to invest in the win-win cooperation. In this way, if he cheats or does something frivolous, he will be kicked out of the house directly...

Take the path of the scheming man and leave him with no way out.

A man who wants to live a good life will not refuse, unless he is here to eat gigolo, steal the house, kill the pig, etc. #美国4月核心PCE指标显示通胀放缓 #meme板块关注热点 #MegadropLista #美联储何时降息? #TopCoinsJune2024 $BTC $ETH $BNB