Visible Trend: 📈 In the first quarter (Q1), trading volume was the highest, amounting to $4.420 billion. This may be due to the start of the new year and increased activity in the market. 🆕

Decline in the second quarter (Q2): 📉 In the second quarter, trading volume decreased to $3.676 billion. This decline could be due to various factors, such as a market correction after a turbulent start to the year or seasonal fluctuations. 📅

Lowest volume in the third quarter (Q3): 📉 Trading volume in the third quarter is $2.625 billion, which is the lowest of all quarters. This may indicate a summer lull in the market or other external factors affecting the activity of traders. 💤

Slight growth in the fourth quarter (Q4): 📈 Trading volume increased to $2.906 billion in the fourth quarter. This growth may be associated with preparations for the end of the year and the New Year holidays, when market activity traditionally increases. 🎄🎆
