Survival rules in the cryptocurrency circle

1. Do not sell low-priced chips easily, stick to your position and prevent yourself from being fooled by market illusions;

2. Blindly chasing ups and downs and betting everything on one throw is a big mistake. Grasp the general trend and build positions in batches when the market is low, so as to reduce risks and increase returns;

3. Rationally allocate profits, maximize the use of funds, avoid excessive positions, and maintain liquidity;

4. In the face of market fluctuations, stay calm, do not take shortcuts, do not be impetuous and greedy, do not fight unprepared battles, and mentality determines success or failure;

5. Early layout or participation in private placement of low-priced coins requires experience and judgment of the project, while in the secondary market game, it is necessary to focus on technical analysis and news, and the two cannot be confused;

6. Position building and shipments must be orderly, Gradually open the price range to control the ratio of risk and profit;

7. Be familiar with the currency market linkage effect, observe the trends of other currencies, understand the internal connection between them, and use the tool APP for comprehensive analysis;

8. Asset allocation needs to be reasonable, popular coins and value coins need to be balanced, consider risk tolerance and return expectations, and being too conservative or aggressive is not a wise move;

9. Keep the account with coins, money, and cash, and don't easily go all in. Risk control and capital allocation are the keys to success, and idle money investment is a stable way;

10. Master basic operating skills, learn to use them flexibly, observe market trends, record key points, cultivate your own analytical ability and reading habits, and filter out valuable information.

In my opinion, the currency market seems to be an endless cycle. Whenever the price soars, there are always people who regret not being able to grasp it in time; and when the market plummets, there are also people who are deeply trapped because of excessive investment. Therefore, we need to cultivate the ability to think independently and be responsible for our own investment behavior, rather than relying on the guidance of others. I hope that when the next market fluctuates sharply, we will no longer complain, but will be able to remain calm, wait for the trough to come, and look for the right time to enter the market.

Finally, I want to emphasize that there is no fixed pattern to follow in the investment path. All we have to do is to go all out and use a unique perspective to understand the ups and downs of the market. Regardless of the profit or loss, we should only pursue profits that match our own understanding, not be trapped by gains and losses, and we should not complain about the world.

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