Despite the global Covid-19 crisis in 2020, industries related to blockchain and Web3 are still growing strongly, becoming an attractive field for job seekers and technology enthusiasts. As a result, demand for blockchain talent is rising as more and more industries adopt this promising technology.

If you want to change career or enter this industry, the infographic below is for you. It highlights the state of employment in the blockchain sector in 2024 and beyond, focusing on the roles and industries driving this growth. You can use these insights to start your career in blockchain.

Looking at the world recruitment market

According to the latest report from Plexus, a leading recruitment company in the Blockchain field, recruitment trends and dynamics have changed significantly.

In 2023, the blockchain and Web3 sectors have seen significant changes in recruitment trends. The blockchain field includes two main job groups: Tech and Non-Tech. 

The number of Non-Tech positions in Business Development, Sales and Strategic Partnerships skyrocketed +197% year-over-year, driven by a strategic focus on market expansion and capital raising in difficult economic context. 

In contrast, demand for Product-related Tech roles has decreased significantly, indicating a shift towards leveraging existing development capabilities and potentially consolidating product strategy. 

Meanwhile, roles such as Marketing and Operations remain stable. These changes reflect the adaptation of companies in the Crypto and Web3 industries to changing economic and market conditions, and highlight the need to focus on business development and collaboration strategy to achieve sustainable growth.

Regarding engineering vacancies in 2023, Frontend development roles are leading in recruitment demand. At the same time, Solidity Engineering positions are also very popular, maintaining steady demand despite an overall decrease in the number of developers compared to 2022. Rust is also a notable language with growth over 6% because it is highly appreciated for its safety and application in Blockchain projects.

Although Frontend developers still make up the largest proportion, their decline suggests a gradual shift towards more specialized backend and blockchain roles, reflecting a shift in priorities and technology. of the Web3 and blockchain industry.

Additionally, Shaun Potts – Founder of @ Plexus – believes that with the industry expanding beyond the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), candidates are exploring emerging ecosystems, Solidity is no longer the only option, and this shift will be most evident in 2024.

The next analytical data comes from Web3Career, also one of the largest recruitment sites in the field of blockchain in general and crypto in particular.

79% of Blockchain Jobs Work Remotely

In just 2 months from March to May, the remote working rate of Developers increased sharply from 59% to 79%, showing that this industry accepts modern working trends, including Workplace options for developers. This flexibility meets the changing preferences of the workforce, allowing professionals to work from virtually anywhere.

On average, there are 512 Blockchain-related job openings each month

Although the recruitment trend related to Blockchain development during the Uptrend 2022 period is higher than currently, it is predicted that the trend will continue to increase stronger from 2025.

Looking back at the domestic market

The recruitment market related to blockchain and Web3 in Vietnam has also undergone drastic changes. 

According to BlockchainWork - a pioneer in career development and the blockchain community in Vietnam, it has also just published a report summarizing blockchain employment trends in May 2024.

Areas with high recruitment demand from blockchain businesses that have remained steady throughout the past time are Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. 

Non-Tech industries increased from 79% to 88% of the total market share. Meanwhile, the Tech engineering industry decreased to only 13%. Marketing leads with 52.4%, Operations ranks second with 14.3%. Sales rose to third place with 11.9%, while Design fell to fourth place with 9.5%. This data shows that human resource trends in Vietnam are quite similar to foreign countries when Blockchain businesses focus on market expansion and product promotion.

The Tech segment in the blockchain industry includes positions such as Full-stack, Frontend, Backend, Blockchain Developer. The demand for recruitment for development positions accounts for 16.67%. This shows the stability and diversity in demand of the blockchain industry. Candidates need to have solid knowledge of blockchain systems, programming languages ​​such as Solidity, C++, Python, and information security skills.

As for Non-Tech as mentioned above. Positions as sales staff in the Blockchain field play an important role in building relationships with customers and partners. Candidates need skills in trend research, blockchain project analysis, communication and good teamwork.

How does the above analysis predict trends in 2024?

The challenges of the previous year have created a stronger and more resilient market, where careers in blockchain and Web3 are increasingly seen as stable and long-term rather than just short-term and speculative. As a result, we are seeing a return of optimism from companies, leading to an increase in hiring activity, with a particular focus on candidates with adaptable, exceptional technical skills. beauty and progressive thinking.

Expanding into new ecosystems further diversifies the skill set required. This diversity reflects an industry increasingly characterized by innovative and interactive blockchain models, emphasizing the need for professionals who are not only skilled but also flexible and willing to explore new technologies. emerging.

“With the approval of the Bitcoin ETF leading to broader acceptance and recognition of crypto, we are seeing that top candidates feel more secure in transitioning from traditional finance to full-time employment. space in Crypto. Over the next five years, there will be a lot of demand for professionals who have built strong profiles on both sides.” Shared Jordi Alexander, CIO Selini Capital.

As regulatory frameworks become more complex, the need for professionals who can navigate these complexities, ensure compliance and promote trust in blockchain technology also increases. Similarly, wider adoption of crypto and Web3 solutions is creating demand for roles that bridge cutting-edge technology and practical applications. This includes areas such as real asset tokenization and layer 2 scaling solutions, which are key to achieving broader adoption.

Finally, to be able to develop well in this field, what equipment is needed?

According to Mr. Luong, CTO of AlphaTrue, shared: "Blockchain in general and crypto in particular is a "no-day-off" industry and changes very quickly, so if you want to build a career in this industry, you should Prepare yourself with a mindset that can be done at any time and never stop updating information. AlphaTrue has met many good employees but still maintains the 9AM-5PM mindset – a mindset that is completely inappropriate for the blockchain industry.”