I started dating at the age of 23 and got married at the age of 29. The boys I met basically covered all the stages of dating. Experience tells you that if you don’t annoy him, then you should lower your status, coax this boy well, chase him, and coax him to get married quickly [sad face]

Let’s put it this way, generally boys under the age of 26 or 27 are still relatively innocent in love, and are more likely to believe that love is supreme. They care a lot about appearance when looking for a girlfriend, and especially value sense of responsibility. And because they have not experienced much, once they have determined a girlfriend, they will choose to face many difficulties for their girlfriend.

After 26 or 27, before the age of 30, the energy of youth fades away, and it is not easy to be impulsive. Moreover, they gradually come into contact with the real society and understand that life is difficult (his family is rich only relative to you, but as long as there is desire, there will always be something that cannot be obtained, so it is difficult). At this time, boys begin to understand the relationship between feelings and reality, and pay more attention to the inner qualities when choosing feelings. Moreover, as a girl, you will get older, your skin will always be slightly loose, your eyes will no longer be thorough, and you will no longer be as smart and cute as when you were 22 or 23 years old, and your attraction to boys will be greatly reduced.

After the age of 30, a boy's values ​​and family values ​​have been basically established. He knows very well how much responsibility he has to bear for the family and how much effort he needs to make for it. At this stage, boys value a girl's character, family, and work far more than the pleasure brought to him by her appearance. As a girl, your face is aging, and your work and character are probably also average, and your family will even reduce your points. Simply put, there is basically nothing good about finding a marriage partner at this time.

There is a saying that children of poor people grow up early. Objectively speaking, if you have good appearance and seize the opportunity, you can achieve a small class leap through marriage. If you don't seize the opportunity, then your future marriage will probably be just a good match.

I advise you to lower your status, not to let you abandon your dignity, but to let you cherish, cherish this opportunity to get along very much. When two people are together, equality is the first priority. What do you think?

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