🎁 🎁 🎁 EVENTS - ATH Token $IO Price Prediction.

On the occasion of #IO preparing to list on Binance at 7:00 p.m. on June 11, 2024, CrabCoin will continue to organize a small prediction event for the brothers of Group CrabCoin PREMIUM.

⏩ Rewards:

- 5 people with correct predictions and the earliest will receive rewards.

- Rewards will be announced and awarded at 10:00 on June 12, 2024.

- First Prize: 25 USDT

- Second Prize + Third Prize: 15 USDT each

- Fourth Prize + Fifth Prize: 5 USDT each

⏩ Participation Form:

1/ Join Premium CrabCoin Group @kingcrabcoin

2/ Like this article.

3/ Comment your prediction about the ATH price of #IO #IO when listed on Binance exactly 1 hour later on this article.

🔹 Comment according to SYNTAX: IO ATH: Price xxx USDT.

🔹 Example: IO ATH: 3 USDT.

4/ Comment on the article in Tele to be awarded.

⏩ Note:

- Closing time for results: 20:00 June 12, 2024.

- Each nick can only predict once.

- Comment content cannot be edited.

- The 5 most accurate and fastest predictions will receive rewards from the CrabCoin Organizing Committee.

CrabCoin Synthetic!

#IO #ionet