#Saudi Arabia Drops Bombshell: Ends Petrodollar Pact with US After 50 Years

_Subheading:_ Riyadh's move marks a significant shift in global economic power dynamics, potentially threatening the US dollar's status as the world's reserve currency.


Exactly 50 years ago, the United States and Saudi Arabia entered into a historic pact that created the Petrodollar system. This system required countries to purchase oil exclusively in US dollars, cementing the dollar's status as the global reserve currency.

However, in a shocking move, Saudi Arabia has decided not to renew the pact, effectively ending the Petrodollar system. This decision has significant implications for the global economy and potentially threatens the US dollar's dominance.

The Petrodollar system has been a key factor in maintaining the US dollar's value and has allowed the United States to maintain its economic and political influence globally. With Saudi Arabia's decision, the global economic landscape is set to change dramatically.

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