Well, here comes another wave of awesome data. The prize was drawn on Friday, and Bitcoin, which was under the strongest pressure of 72,000, fell sharply, and all the little brothers were bleeding.

In each skirt, it is "At this point, the people I feel most sorry for are my family..."

The big pie has only grown by 3%, but all the smaller brothers have been dragged down by it.

The market's contract open interest and leverage ratio are so terrifying that even the slightest disturbance can lead to a large-scale liquidation.


Because there is no money-making effect.

Precisely because the little brothers in one's hands are not moving, one is forced to increase the leverage to make up for the feeling of being left out while watching the show.

Crisis is crisis, and crisis brings opportunity.

I must correct a very serious cognitive error. You don't need to hold a heavy position to catch trends and profits.

What you need is to use a light position to capture targets with sufficient trend amplitude.

Not the other way around.

Many people fail to catch the trend and turn to increasing their leverage on some very bad targets or at very bad times in an attempt to turn things around, which is an extremely stupid thing to do.

People daily line, feel the strong little brother

Back to Big Pie, this is actually the trend of the future.

As Bitcoin becomes more and more expensive, this trend will continue to accelerate in the future with the consensus of institutions and people. Then its increasingly high price will make it increasingly out of reach for ordinary people. Now, owning one BTC is beyond the affordability of quite a number of people (don’t be surprised, this is a fact). In the future, this number will continue to become 0.1BTC, 0.01BTC.

On the other hand, the market categories are endlessly expanding, coupled with the project parties’ various unethical ways of unlocking the bloated market value, as well as the increasing number of hair-pulling, kol, and quantification.

With more and more outlets, it will be difficult to return to the distant copycat season in 2017 when tens of thousands of coins took off and the take-off season in most of 2021.

The fading dividend, I've said that before.

But I am not here to be sad today. On the contrary, I stick to my point of view that this round of bull and copycat season is about to come, and we must not fall before dawn.

It is very likely that this is the last chance for retail investors to simply move up the social ladder.

With interest rate cuts in Europe and several other major economies, the failure of the Fed’s current round of dollar harvesting is a foregone conclusion.

So, the Federal Reserve, which is still insisting on high interest rates, is in a very embarrassing position.

If you continue to increase the rate, people will not think that the strong dollar will lead to liquidity reflux and you will be sucked blood. Instead, capital will question that other economies have been forced to cut interest rates. Are your American data really that good? Are your figures really inflated?

It's a world-class joke. Everyone knows that there's something wrong with the Americans' numbers, but this time it's real money that's starting to vote with their feet.

So, next, if you are an American, what would you do?

Make rational decisions, return to America, and start the Monroe Doctrine, just like the strategy Sima Yi suggested to Cao Cao after the Battle of Chibi. Retreat and let you guys deal with it yourselves. I will own more than four continents in the world, recuperate, and the opportunity is still mine.

But the Americans who have been possessed will definitely (note, I said definitely) take another path.

Holding their own cautious chips (hegemony and military mythology, decades of Western alliances and language hegemony), they continue to go all in and create greater chaos.

I can be a jerk and make you jerk even more, but I still win.

Therefore, in the future, in terms of geopolitics, there will definitely be the main upward trend of the global chaotic era.

There will be countless black swans that will cause the numbers in various financial markets to jump up and down, and countless people will bleed.

Well, if you were a Bitcoin and various copycat dog dealers, what would you do at this time?

A few months after the ETF was approved, BlackRock has already made it clear that it is the banker, and has been playing with Bitcoin at above 70,000 for three months. Do you think it will sell directly here and end this round?

On the other hand, countless copycats have no more power and have been in a slump for an entire cycle. Do you think the main players here will continue to hold on to their chips and absorb funds?

Some trends, once formed, are difficult to change.

Therefore, it is highly likely that the CPI of 6.12 will completely become the clarion call, and then all the main players will take advantage of the empty period of verbal attacks and chaos before the European war, and quickly and violently pull out this round, and then wait for this round of chaos to completely pass, and we in the East will win (yes, I always think we can win, and then slowly start the next round.

Well, I don't like hindsight and I don't like ambiguity, so this is what I predict will happen next.

With the entry of ETFs and institutions such as BlackRock, Bitcoin has gradually been on the road to being domesticated by the mainstream. It is highly likely that there will never be an overwhelming rise in the future, but the stories surrounding its application will still have the opportunity to change destiny.

All you need to do is keep increasing the amount of your bitcoins amidst these stories and bubbles.

The next two or three months will be a reward for those who have endured this round and are about to give up. I hope that everyone will not fall before dawn. If you don’t ambush now, when the frenzy comes, you will have nothing to gain, and I won’t be able to stop you from escaping.

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