Digital currency is an economic bubble. The first time I heard about digital currency was in February 2017. At that time, I was still a wool puller. I came into contact with the first digital currency I played, GEC. At that time, I didn’t know anything and I didn’t understand the concept of digital currency, let alone blockchain, so I sold out GEC coins very quickly. In November 2017, this month, I came into contact with many digital currencies, but these digital currencies were not of much value, but I had the urge to understand what digital currency and blockchain are. In December 2017, this month can be said to be my real action to understand blockchain and digital currency. Before, I equated digital currency with blockchain, but after understanding it, I realized that digital currency is just a product of blockchain. The concept covered by blockchain is much larger, while the concept of digital currency is small. As a coin rookie, I actually entered the currency circle with the idea of ​​getting rich overnight. But after entering the cryptocurrency circle, I lost this idea, because I think digital currency itself has no value, it is just hyped up, and too many people equate the concept of blockchain and digital currency, so digital currency is hyped up, making it extremely valuable. But I personally think that digital currency is an economic bubble. $BTC $ETH $USDC #币安用户数突破2亿 #bnb历史新高 #CCG合约机器人四周年 #CCR自动炒币机器人