$PEOPLE people is rising strongly. Is it breaking a new high or about to make a big correction??

The market is falling, but people tokens are rising against the trend. The 24-hour transaction volume is 2.1 billion yuan and the 24-hour transaction volume is 268 million U. The one-hour line continues to increase. A large number of leeks have entered the market. At the same time, it has also entered the overbought state. There is a vague trend of double tops in the four hours. If it cannot break 0.14, there may be a big correction. You need to be alert to risks. In the short term, you can pay attention to 0.135 US dollars. If it can stand firm, it may continue to rise or even break a new high. Is people rising to break a new high or about to harvest a big market correction? Let us look forward to it together.

#内容挖矿 #people创新高 #PEOPEL