Notcoin set the trend, and no one dares to lag behind it. Have you seen projects in TON that really have their own idea? Your own project? Your meaning? Not enough, especially after clickers.

Hamster Combat is a clear example of this. Hamster looks like that same classmate who is cheating from another, and the other one tells him “don’t copy exactly!”, but the fact is that Hamster cannot help but cheat from Notcoin.

Why can't it? They can do everything themselves, and besides, they have a large audience! Even Notcoin has surpassed the number of players.

Notcoin is no longer a clicker. All those who shouted at the very beginning that Notcoin is crap and a scam are now clicking Hamster. Why? The feeling of lost profits takes its toll, but do you know what these people are waiting for most? The same success that Notcoin had.

In general, Notcoin and Hamster are two different things. They have the same game mechanics - clicking. From the very beginning, Notcoin did not even position itself as a token. Everything was quiet, moderate and calm. Hamster is behaving quite aggressively, saying that we will get listed and overtake Notcoin in terms of audience of people. However, if not for Notcoin and its success, no one would click Hamster.

Wow, okay, so don't click Hamster now? So what are the really interesting projects in your opinion?

Click. No one is calling you away from this.

I respect those projects that really have an idea and a plan.

— Blum

— MemeFI

So far these two projects are my favorite. They are not like other projects. They are not monotonous.

Why do clickers bring people to crypto? How quickly will new entrants leave the market?

In general, my position on clickers consists of the following scheme:

hard times make strong people -> strong people make easy times -> easy times make weak people -> weak people make hard times.

We are in the phase of "easy times"

People just get money and think they will get more. Once you turn off the water supply with money, people are left with two choices:

1. entry into the cryptocurrency market

2. take your money and leave quietly.

In most cases, everyone will choose the first one - the cryptocurrency market. Everyone wants to increase their money, especially when they see how others increase it. A person who took out money in a simple way loses it in the market, and now “hard times” are coming for him.

Now he has two options after losing his money:

1. leave the market

2. stay on the market

There are many people here who decide to give up on this matter. Nobody likes to lose money and thus go out of "hard times", but they will not become strong men in the market.

Those who remain in the market will remain in “hard times”, but with experience they will become strong people.

What your path is - only you decide. Of the entire audience of clickers, only 5%-10% will remain inside the cryptocurrency, and the remaining 85-90% will leave. This will happen quickly, as it did during NOT's fall to $0.005. Many people left, but many people regret it.

How long will clickers live then?

The clickers who are dragging the idea of ​​Notcoin with them will not have long left. People get tired of monotony, but projects like Blum can live very well in the future. Everything that has an idea, a plan, and something different from others lives a long time, but only if there is a good team behind the project.

Clickers are a trend, but a trend has the ability to “end” and be replaced by another trend. It is possible that Notcoin will set a new trend not in terms of clickers, but we just have to see everything.#TopCoinsJune2024