06/08 Market Analysis

🐶Flow analysis

This is the main force taking advantage of the news to smash the market. Almost all small coins are stepping back on the daily EMA support, and high-leverage long orders are also wiped out.

This also goes back to the reason why I don’t like to play with contracts. There are too many massacres when the price remains unchanged. Yesterday’s one basically created a liquidation of 200 million, but looking on the bright side, “the overheated sentiment has fully recovered.” , the callback is to rise higher

🐮Sentiment Analysis

Yesterday, I experienced the same emotions as on 04/13 again. Small coins basically started at -10%, and then I looked confused. I had no idea what was going on now.

But I still maintain the habit of "quickly looking for strong coins", and $w $fil $ton $jto all rebounded quickly. It is still the same sentence "coins that rebound quickly represent that the main force does not want you to get cheap chips", every time Every kill is an opportunity to test the quality of the coins in your hand.

Looking at the funding rates, they have basically turned short, but it should be because long orders have been cleared. Instead of more people opening short positions, Ether is on the long side. It is probably because of the expected support of ETFs.

😎Follow this week

1. BlackRock is buying more BTC. It is also a good thing to reduce the liquidity of Bitcoin. If supply exceeds demand, it will rise.

2. It’s the Chinese Dragon Boat Festival, so you can take a good rest on Monday. As for the holiday retail market, without the influence of the US stock market, I think the probability of going back up today is quite high.

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