In terms of the market, yesterday's data exceeded most people's expectations. Subsequently, various news triggered a pin-in and a small waterfall of copycats, which once again wiped out the positions of the leeks. In fact, there is no need to panic too much. No one can change the big market and big trend. It is just a short-term negative wash. There is no need to panic too much. The bull market has many pin-ins to clear the leverage with the help of news. The car is too heavy and the leverage is too large. The dog dealer is not stupid and will not pull the market. I have said it many times. The stupidest and most effective way is to buy spot at the right position to pull up and sell time for space. If you can't accept the contract's liquidation, then don't touch it. If you can't even bear the fluctuation of the spot, please leave this circle. It's really not suitable for you. It's good to go to work and return to life honestly.

Summary: The big trend and big market will not change, at most it will be delayed. For the time being, the market may not be too good. It takes a certain amount of time to sort out the market, but don't be afraid. In the bull market, the more pins and plummets, the more opportunities there are. Most of the time is to wash the market and go sideways. The time to really make money is very short, so you have to calm down and endure loneliness to reach the prosperous era, otherwise you will have nothing.
