Changpeng Zhao, the richest Chinese man with a net worth of 94.1 billion US dollars, started a three-month vacation trip in a California prison. So far, he has spent a total of 7.86 billion US dollars, which should be the most expensive ticket in history. Number 88087-510. Boss Zhao has a lot of labels, including the richest Chinese, the top brother in the currency circle, and the Bitcoin tycoon. This time, there is another beautiful criminal.

Influenced by American dramas, many people worry that Zhao will be abused in prison, picked up soap, or stepped on a sewing machine. This should not be a big problem. After all, if you have money, you are a guest of honor wherever you go. There are many prisons that are privatized, which is going to make people angry. They will directly merge and acquire them, and let a bunch of guards get fired. Now, the biggest worry is not the current safety problem, but the next big stick that the beautiful woman will continue to roll.

The real purpose is not the wine. After all, the exchange under his name is worth more than 300 billion US dollars, and his net worth is more than 90 billion. The original huge fine is obviously not worth mentioning. I can make a bold prediction about what will happen next. After he is released from prison, the court will issue an additional ban on his departure and ask him to continue cooperating with the investigation. When the wool is pulled out of Tulu and the list of major traders and shares of the exchange are obtained, he may be let off at that time.