Jasmy Chart Analysis.

In the past seven days, the price per JasmyCoin (JASMY) increased by 46%. At the time of writing, the altcoin is trading at \$ 0.043 , a price level last observed in March 2022. After a long trend period within a specific range with relative balance between buying and selling pressures, the bulls prevailed on May 14.

JASMY's Elder-Ray Index confirmed this by returning positive values (marked with green bars) since then. This indicator defines the direction of an asset's price trends and potential buying or selling opportunities in the market. When its value is positive, it signals an upward trend, indicating that token accumulation has surpassed distribution.

Additionally, the MACD line (orange) was

shown to be positioned above the signal (blue) and zero lines. If this trend

continues, JSMY's value could rise to

$0.055, the price last seen on March 18,

2022, but if buyers exhaust, the token's

value could drop to $0.058.
