More than 100 former US prosecutors and federal agents have signed a letter calling on the US State Department to intervene to release Tigran Gambaryan, Binance's Chief Financial Crime and Compliance Officer, from detention in Nigeria. The letter, sent to Secretary of State Antony Blinken on June 6, warned that inaction by the US government could lead to “serious consequences.”

The signers, including former U.S. Attorneys and FBI agents, highlighted Gambaryan's 10 years of service as a Special Agent with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). They affirmed his “tireless dedication to the law,” and highlighted his involvement in high-profile cases ranging from child pornography and terrorist financing to identity theft and corruption. the right.

The letter claims Gambaryan is being detained on the basis of “false allegations” of money laundering and tax evasion, and emphasizes that his mid-level position at Binance cannot make him responsible for his actions. of the company.

Partial list of letter signatories, with a total of 108. Source: Axios/Document Cloud

The incident began in January, when Gambaryan, along with other Binance employees, traveled to Nigeria to discuss financial compliance with local officials. Nigerian officials then demanded “a substantial payment” to resolve alleged compliance issues involving Binance. The group, concerned for their safety, left the country soon after. However, Gambaryan was invited back a month later, where his passport was confiscated and he was arrested.

In February, the Nigerian government arrested Gambaryan and Nadeem Anjarwalla on charges of money laundering and tax evasion. Anjarwalla escaped from custody and fled to Kenya, while Gambaryan remains detained at Kuje detention center in Abuja, Nigeria's capital.

The signatories of the letter asserted that Gambaryan was the victim of a politically motivated arrest and requested that the US government intervene immediately to secure his release. They argue that Nigerian authorities are using Gambaryan as a hostage to pressure Binance into making concessions.

This incident raises concerns about the safety and security of foreign business executives operating in Nigeria and highlights the potential risks of doing business in countries with weak regulatory frameworks. weakness and history of corruption.