
Non-farm data/unemployment rate analysis:

Non-farm data release value 27.2 is greater than the expected value 18.5 and the previous value 17.5

Unemployment rate release value 4% is greater than the expected value and the previous value


As early as 6 minutes before the data was released, I talked about the direct operation of the big cake in the recently established Neptune Alliance. The next step is the up and down pin market. At present, the market trend is as I expected!

The non-farm employment population has risen sharply, which is good for the US dollar and bad for big cake, but the unemployment rate has unexpectedly increased. On the surface, these two sets of data are contradictory, but in fact they are not contradictory. The non-farm employment population has increased, and the unemployed population has also increased. From a proportional point of view, the increase in the number of unemployed people is greater than the non-farm employment population, and the result of the increase in the unemployment rate will appear. We must understand that strong employment data is out of sync with other data, such as weak consumer spending, which indicates that the US economy is slowing down, and a tight monetary policy will better face this economic situation.

Yesterday's live broadcast explained that Canada, one of the G7 countries, had its first interest rate cut in four years, followed by the Eurozone yesterday. The interest rate cut in the United States will only get closer and closer. It's just a matter of time.


Today's big cake went down and returned to above 71,000. This time it broke 72, and I still remain optimistic! It is bound to break 8 in the future