The Aark project, which received investment from large companies, is finally starting to be listed on the stock exchanges. So what exactly is Aark coin?

Aark Digital is the first of its kind Leverage Everything Perpetual DEX for professional investors/LPs on Arbitrum. Our vision is to find the right formula that will bring together the best of DEX and CEX. Eventually, Aark will bring all on-chain assets into a single liquidity pool to provide an unprecedented leverage experience.

Basic Structure

In the Aark ecosystem, LPs invest capital to create a pool where investors can interact while earning fees. When investors open a position, the liquidity pool, without exception, automatically takes a reverse position and thus investors trade against the liquidity pool. MM (Market Makers) eliminates the risk of LPs by taking advantage of arbitrage opportunities.

It All Starts from Scalability: Aark Flywheel

Unlike other platforms that limit their Open Interest to TVL (Total Value Locked) ratio below 1:1, Aark can scale over ten times OI based on TVL. This advantage provides significantly higher returns for LPs and fuels a positive feedback loop that attracts more LPs and investors.

AARK Coin – Token

AARK is Aark's governance and service token. The total supply of $AARK is 1,000,000,000. $AARK holders are entitled to enjoy the benefits of the Aark ecosystem.

  • Symbol: AARK


  • Standard: ERC-20

  • Total Supply: 1,000,000,000

  • Initial Liquid Supply in TGE: 4.4%

  • Total initial supply is 6.9% including CEX/DEX Liquidity with 2.5% allocation.


FTX's decline in 2022 exposed the inherent risks of non-custodial cryptocurrency exchanges and highlighted the need for a more resilient, transparent and decentralized trading infrastructure. Inconsistencies between the ethos of decentralization advocated by the cryptocurrency community and the practices of various centralized financial systems have become clear.

Decentralized exchanges offer a solution by prioritizing user autonomy, security and transparency. Unlike CEX (centralized exchanges), DEXs operate without intermediaries, allowing users to retain full control of their assets. This eliminates the need for trust in a third party and provides seamless integration with the transparent and immutable nature of blockchain technology.

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