Market trends, the US non-farm data at 8:30 tonight is undoubtedly an important node.

This data will directly affect the trend of the global financial market, and the digital currency market is no exception.

According to past experience, market fluctuations before the data are released often provide investors with opportunities to operate.

If the market chooses to fall first, then there is a high probability that there will be a wave of rising prices after the data is released.

Recommend several targets worth long-term layout,

XAI. As one of the important projects of the ARB ecosystem and conducting IEO on the BN platform, XAI has recently shown strong growth momentum.

The rise of this project not only highlights the huge potential of the game track, but also allows us to see the solid foundation and broad prospects behind it.

Personally, I am optimistic about XAI and believe that it is expected to become a high-quality target for investors to hold for a long time.

WLD, as the absolute leader of the AI ​​sector, WLD has always maintained a high level of market attention.

Against the background of technology giants such as Nvidia constantly setting new highs, it is only a matter of time before WLD rises.

Considering that most of the tokens have not yet been released, I suggest that investors adopt a band operation strategy to avoid potential market fluctuations.

Despite this, the long-term value of WLD cannot be ignored, and it will continue to lead the development trend of the AI ​​sector.

DYDX. This project occupies an important position in the decentralized trading track. Recently, good news has been released, indicating a rebound in its value.

Looking back at the early days of DYDX's launch, I was fortunate to participate in it and witnessed its outstanding performance.

Although the current price has fallen back from its historical high, I think this is only temporary. With the gradual recovery of the market and the continuous display of DYDX's own strength, it is only a matter of time before it rises.

#5月非农数据即将公布 #山寨季何时到来? #MegadropLista


I don't know what to do in the bull market, click on my avatar and see Zhuye Jinlan,

At this stage, some good currencies are being laid out. If you are not good at screening strong currencies, you can come as a reference,