Recently, the NOT project has been frequently on the screen, topping the list of price increases almost every day. Although this project is just a simple Telegram robot click game and the white paper is only 9 pages, it has not affected people's attention to the TON public chain ecosystem.

Why do I think the TON public chain ecosystem will explode? Let’s take a look at a few key points:

1. More projects will join the TON public chain ecosystem

- Generous rewards: The TON Foundation provides a $150 million incentive plan to strongly support high-quality startup projects.

- Perfect infrastructure: Based on Telegram, which has 1.3 billion users, with built-in native wallets and DEX trading markets, the TON public chain has formed a closed-loop encryption ecosystem. In addition, efficient sharding technology, flexible smart contract platform, strong cross-chain interoperability, and rich development tools and application ecosystems provide a solid foundation for the project.

- Huge user base: With the popularity of Notcoin, the project team pays more attention to Telegram's user base. Compared with other social platforms, Telegram users are more active, and many of them are loyal users of cryptocurrencies.

2. VC institutions are more willing to invest

The TON public chain ecological project has actual active users and cash flow income, rather than a false on-chain prosperity. VC institutions not only focus on the potential of the project, but also pay attention to its market acceptance and user base.

3. Exchanges are more willing to list coins

Why can the NOT project be listed on four major exchanges at the same time, and the price is inverted after the opening of Binance and EURUSD? The reason is that the exchanges are competing for users. For exchanges, traffic is the most important. TON ecological high-quality projects not only attract Web3 users, but also a large number of Web2 users, so exchanges are naturally willing to rush to list coins.

Industry status and challenges

1. False prosperity of public chain data: The real user data of some public chains is even lower than that of some big Vs on Twitter. For example, STRK was once a star second-layer public chain, but its daily active users plummeted after the token issuance. If it weren’t for the staking activities launched by the ecological projects, the daily active data on the chain would be even bleaker.

2. Prevalence of high FDV projects: High FDV can easily create market enthusiasm, but it may also cover up actual risks. In new projects with low circulation, retail investors often ignore the dilution risk brought by the unlocking plan. Funds are seriously sucked away by high-control projects. The market is like a large PVP arena, and retail investors have long been cut off by high FDV projects.

Solution: Traffic is king

Whether it is Web3 or Web2, traffic is king. We should not be confused by high-sounding technical terms. Only by mastering traffic can we master the future.

The data speaks for itself

1. Telegram's social advantage: Telegram has 800 million monthly active users, more than 1.3 billion registered users, and millions of new users every day. These figures are 1.4 times that of Twitter, 61% of WeChat, and 86% of Facebook. TON public chain and Telegram have a close strategic relationship.

2. Active on-chain data: According to tonstat, the daily transaction volume of the TON public chain exceeds 6 million, the number of active wallets reaches 170,000 per day, and more than 4 million per month. These are almost all real user data, far better than the false prosperity on other chains.

3. Rapidly growing TVL: As of press time, the total locked value (TVL) of the TON public chain is US$370 million, with a monthly growth rate of 85%, and will soon be among the top 20.

Inventory of TON public chain ecosystem segments

In the TON public chain ecosystem, there are 13 staking projects, 43 wallets, 8 cross-chain bridges, 114 tools and bots, 98 NFTs, 21 social projects, 53 gambling projects, 16 DEX projects, 97 games, 10 developer tools, 12 e-commerce projects, and 10 Launchpad projects. A rich ecological foundation has been initially formed.

I personally think the track with the most potential is GameFi

1. Low development cost: Most of the game projects in the TON public chain ecosystem are small games with low costs and easy to copy. Compared with 3A-level encrypted games, project owners prefer this light-weight model.

2. Backed by Telegram's social advantages: Telegram has unique advantages in the field of cryptocurrency. Its privacy and open API allow developers to create various robots and applications, making Telegram an ideal platform for crypto game project promotion and user interaction. With a huge traffic pool, crypto game projects only need to occupy 1-5% of the market share to obtain amazing data and benefits.

3. Fast user fission speed: With Telegram's traffic pool, project owners can design game mechanisms and combine gameplay to conduct user fission. Innovative gameplay and effective airdrop operations can quickly achieve 0-1 project growth and later growth rate.

4. The natural combination of Telegram Mini App and games: Telegram Mini App is similar to WeChat applet, supporting data storage, interactive games, and transaction payments. GameFi projects can use these features to provide diversified gameplay and economic models, such as NFT market, token trading, game tasks, etc. Users can experience games without downloading additional applications.

Thoughts and Conclusions

Whether it is a project owner, VC institution, exchange, or retail investor, the key is to seize traffic. Where traffic is, there are future opportunities. Only by mastering traffic can we master the future. The story of TON public chain may have just begun.

#ton #GameFi #telegram #NOT🔥🔥🔥