6.7 Ethereum midday market analysis and operation ideas

Ethereum plunged down to around 3760 this morning, and then began to fluctuate in a narrow range in the short term. The current price of the currency is running at 3810. From the perspective of daily technical indicators, the KDJ technical indicator fluctuated and rebounded, but the MACD technical indicator was in a fluctuating and falling stage. The MA5-day moving average and the MA10-day moving average were glued together and fluctuated upward. The BOLL technical indicator was in an upward state. At the same time, the low point MA30-day moving average was still in a bullish trend. From the overall technical trend of the daily line, the operation suggestion is still mainly to pull back and do more.

From the perspective of the 4-hour technical indicators, the KDJ technical indicator and the MACD technical indicator are in a stage of continuous narrowing and oscillating, and the ultra-short-term BOLL technical indicator is in a state of oscillation and flattening. At the same time, the MA moving averages are still glued together. At the same time, if the short-term BOLL technical indicator fails to continue to open upward, then the currency price will not fluctuate too much today. At the same time, Bitcoin is stronger than Ethereum in both the 4-hour line and the daily line. Therefore, the current trend of Bitcoin's technical disk is still to step back and do more.

Ethereum: 3810-3775 near the line to do more stop loss: 3743 Target: 3860-3920

Bitcoin: Long around 71200-70800 Stop loss: 70200 Target: 72300-72800#BTC #ETH $ETH