Golden Finance reported that according to the monitoring of on-chain analyst @ai_9684xtpa, since the Binance new coin mining project started at 08:00 today, five whale addresses on the chain have borrowed a total of 70,000 BNB (worth 49.59 million US dollars) from Venus and recharged it to Binance to participate in mining. At present, the BNB loan interest rate of Venus is 15.97%. Compared with the period of Binance's intensive listing of new coins in March and April, the interest has dropped significantly (the average loan interest rate at that time was around 80%). It was previously reported that the 55th phase of Binance's new coin mining project has deposited a total of 18.12 million BNB and 1.95 billion FDUSD, and the cumulative number of participants in the two pools has exceeded 158,000.