Yes, I bought a lot of Ethereum at 3720 and also made it public for everyone to do it😅The Bitcoin price was 66800 at that time

Now the Bitcoin price is 71400😅It has increased by 6% in 6 days, and Ethereum is still 3880, which has increased by 2.5%😅

I should have earned 90,000u of Ethereum by taking 300 points, but he only earned 20,000u😅Damn it, damn it

Ether, the only way you can make up for me is to drop from 3400 to 3600 so that I can get on the train at a lower price

Otherwise, although I really made money in this wave, I felt that I lost money, commonly known as "feeling lost even though I made money😂

#bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来? #5月非农数据即将公布