Why FIL doesn't explode, the reason is very simple.

Many people are saying this FIL, what is your FIL?

Are you fly? Can you fly? Let it fly?

Many things, once the bubble bursts, are locked up at the staged high positions.

Friends on the top of the mountain, are you all right?

You said that if you pull him up, he is likely to have a lot of pressure, so I think that some of the past glories in history, when they go back, are just to get out of the trap, not to produce higher, right?

Especially those cottages, many people really regard them as beliefs,

The cottages must be touched, touch those absolutely fair ones, what is absolute fairness? First of all, all airdrops, all airdrops, and there is no dominant, no project party must account for 60% of the circulation or total volume in this market,

Don't look at those white papers, what core investors, what provident funds, what fund proportions, in fact, the overall planning is all the project party, you know, I wrote it out for you to see.

It's not to make you feel very grand. You just need to look at how much airdrops are thrown out and how many users participate. In fact, it's only about 15% accumulated, right?

So you have to know the number of issuances. The project party has an absolute amount of chips, so how can you compare with it?

As long as you go to the secondary market to buy, people will throw it to you. After throwing it to a certain extent, it depends on the supply and demand relationship in the market to balance it, right?

So I think many of you just regard some things as beliefs, right? If you want to regard it as a belief?

Then you look at the pattern of the project party. Will he do a destruction mechanism, a repurchase mechanism, or a pledge mechanism? If he doesn't do these things, he doesn't update and iterate, that's to cheat everyone's money.

#山寨季何时到来? #5月非农数据即将公布 #FIL/USDT


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