❤️❤️Today will be a bloodbath.❤️❤️

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It’s honestly scary what could happen.

The amount of leverage and open interest around the current $BTC price is very worrying(long and short) add to that it is Friday and high impact news will dictate the next move and you get a perfect storm.🌹🌹

I would not be surprised to see a sudden price move of 3k+ on $BTC within minutes leading up to, or shortly after the jobs data.(Long or short).❤️❤️🌹

I am certain by the end of today we will have Billions in liquidations on BTC alone, across Crypto it could be really bad.🌹❤️

Unless you are trading spot or very low leverage, take today off.🌹🌹❤️

If you are a degenerate and insist on trading conditions like this then use 10% of what you intend to and save the rest for another day.

Ye it’s boring to read this shit, I get it, but the market conditions are primed to absolutely destroy retail today.🌹🌹😂

I am not saying which direction I think the price will go, I know that the price could whipsaw and wipe out leveraged liquidity in minutes before entering a longer trend.

It’s near impossible to predict and trade these conditions with high margin levels so don’t try.🤣🌹


Live to fight another day.❣️🤣😂


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