#第55期新币挖矿IO #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准

Major decision-making mistakes in the past 100 years

1. Those who became eunuchs in 1911

2. Those who bought land in rural areas in 1948

3. Those who changed their household registration from rural to non-rural at a high price in 2000

4. Those who did not buy a house in 2004.

5. Those who started to participate in national entrepreneurship after the 18th National Congress in 2013

6. Those who started to grow tangerines after 2015

7. Those who moved their household registration out of Xiongan in 2017

8. Those who chose to leave Hainan in 2018

9. Those who left the system in 2019 to start businesses, especially those who invested in homestay scenic spots and other tourism industries

11. Those who bought houses with loans in 2021.

12. Those who invested in the production of masks and camping industries in 2022