PYTH trading strategy today: long side continues, small long buy point appears

Market overview:

PYTH is dominant at the daily level today, and the market is showing a positive trend.

Key price analysis:

Support level: 0.4371. This price is an important support for the long side of the market. If the downward trend does not break this price, the long side will continue to maintain its advantage.

Long buy point signal price: 0.4653. At 7 o'clock in the morning, a yellow dot appeared at the 1-hour level, indicating that the long buy point signal has been closed. Next, as long as this price is not effectively broken, investors can consider entering long orders.

Target price:

Pressure level: 0.4727-0.4791. If the market can effectively break through this area, it will open up further room for growth.

Support level: 0.4593-0.4531. If the market pulls back, these prices will provide important support and help stabilize the market.

Trading suggestions:

Long-order strategy: Based on the current market situation dominated by the bulls and the 1-hour long-order buy point signal, investors are advised to look for opportunities near 0.4653 and conduct small-level long-order operations.

Risk management: Please pay close attention to market trends, especially the changes in the key prices of 0.4371 and 0.4653. If the market trend does not meet expectations or there is a break, please adjust the trading strategy or set a stop loss in time to control the risk.

Please note that the market is risky and investment should be cautious. The above suggestions are for reference only. Investors need to make decisions based on their own situation and market trends. #泰国批准首个比特币现货ETF #第55期新币挖矿IO #PYTH合约 #pyth $PYTH $BTC $ETH