🚀Shocked! Vitalik Buterin made 12 times the profit in the "MOTHER" coin, slapping critics in the face! 🚀

🎯 Who would have thought that Vitalik Buterin, the helmsman of Ethereum, a legendary figure in the blockchain world, would make a fortune in a "MOTHER" coin that was ridiculed by everyone. The 12-fold profit in a week is simply jaw-dropping!

🎯 At the beginning, Vitalik sneered at the "MOTHER" coin and other Mem Coins (stalk coins), and there were constant criticisms. But who would have thought that he actually quietly took action and bought a large number of "MOTHER" coins, jumping from US$777,000 to US$9.4 million. This wave of operations is simply against the sky!

🔥 This is not only a victory for an investor, but also a huge slap in the face of those who laughed at Mem Coin! Vitalik proved with his actions that high-risk investment does not mean failure. Sometimes, the returns it brings are amazing!

🐳 What is even more shocking is that Vitalik is actually called a "whale" level investor! He is not just playing around, but spending $1.54 million at a price of $0.1789 to buy a large number of "MOTHER" coins. This is enough to prove that he has a firm belief in the profitability of Mem Coin, and also shows the different views and strategies of the investment community.

🚀 This is the charm of the blockchain world, full of infinite possibilities and surprises. Vitalik Buterin's operation has undoubtedly rekindled people's interest and enthusiasm for Mem Coin. In the future, who will be the next lucky one and who can catch the next outlet? Let us wait and see!

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