The non-farm data is about to be released. Let me tell you what I think about this non-farm‼ ️

You can see that since 2024, the non-farm has basically fluctuated around the middle value of 250,000 people, with a maximum of around 30, and the lowest value in 2 years is 15, so this time the non-farm is expected to be 18.5, which is also a default negative, because the data of non-farm below 18.5 can be said to be very, very early in the past two years, with only 2 times⚠️

This time the expectation is 18.5, and the probability of being lower than 18.5 is still relatively low. It is generally considered to be negative, so there is also a chance. Once the non-farm is lower than 18.5 today, it will give bulls a great opportunity, but the probability is relatively low, so it is mainly arranged in advance

#第55期新币挖矿IO #bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来?