GMX, LQTY, AI, NFP, BAKE, CAKE, RDNT, PIXEL, OMNI, ROSE, REZ, PYTH, BNB, ASTR, all of these are projects that were profit-taking yesterday. From the current trend, except for BNB and GMX, all other projects sold yesterday have different degrees of retracement! These sold projects are only phased profit exits, and we will find opportunities to buy them back later! So, you may ask what to do if you sell them! There is such a possibility, just like I sold LQTY at around 1.28 yesterday, and the highest price rose to above 1.5, and the cost of my purchase was 1.02. From the perspective of planned trading, it met my need for swing profit, which is 20 points, but later I saw a large correction in the evening, and then I took it back at 1.28, and then yesterday it fell back to the lowest level of around 1.24, and this morning I chose to stop profit at around 1.27! The reason is that I want to execute the operation according to my own plan, not because the sudden explosion affects my judgment! After entering the market yesterday, I was thinking that if there was no rebound and the price continued to fall, my mentality might be affected, because it was not my plan to buy back at 1.28. My plan was to buy back again near 1.16. Therefore, if something is not in my plan, it is easy to chase the rise and sell the fall after I enter the market!