🚀BTC Market Express🚀

2024.6.7, on the 4-hour chart this morning, a purple dot flashed, and the short buy signal has been locked! If it stands at 71095.2, as soon as the red dot appears, the short order is waiting for you!

👉 Target: 70056.0-68884.5, catch everything in one net!

🛡️ Stop loss point: set at the previous high of 71822.2, safe and worry-free!

There are many levels in the sky, and the profit is limited

Brothers, don’t miss this wave of market, come and watch, win at the starting line! 🏃#BTC走势预测 #BTC走勢分析 #比特币符文总市值创新高 #泰国批准首个比特币现货ETF $BTC $BNB $ETH