💥✨️ NOT currency lessons and lessons ✨️💥


💠 It seems that the NOT currency is still reaping many dreams. Many adventurers must learn many lessons, even if they are painful. They are useful for those who want to learn from their mistakes. It is not shameful to make mistakes, but the shame is repeating the same mistake. A believer is not stung by someone who Burrow twice.

It is important to always be careful of two things:

👈 1- The peaks. We never buy at the high peaks and green candles, erect like the Eiffel Tower.

👈 3- One must also be careful not to fall into a state of FOMO, as it is not necessary to enter into a state of buying during the herd’s rush.

💠 In conclusion, not everything that shines is a diamond. You may imagine that what shines is a precious diamond, but it may be just shiny, worthless glass.