Inj recently announced a token burn plan, which includes the immediate destruction of 12,000 INJ tokens, with a further destruction of up to 6 million tokens scheduled for next week.

This type of destruction is not uncommon in the crypto space, and its main purpose is to reduce the number of tokens in circulation in order to increase the value of the remaining tokens. Although Inj's actions are part of its continued efforts to manage the supply of its native INJ token, the specific motivations have not been publicly explained in detail.

INJ's accelerated token burn also reflects the growing trend of its network usage. Although the circulation of INJ tokens is low, it is balanced by burning part of the supply. Currently, Inj is in a period of rapid development and is actively involved in areas such as NFTs and Web3 games.

The token burn action has boosted the price of INJ, causing it to climb to $28.28.

Inj's ultimate goal is to achieve deflation and strive to be one of the leaders with the highest token burn rate.

Overall, Inj's token burn activities seem to be aimed at controlling token supply, enhancing token value, and as part of its overall strategy to promote its continued growth and development in the crypto space.