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What is Bitcoin? I believe that many short-term traders don’t care at all, and they don’t understand why the coin hoarders can have such faith? After reading this article, see if it can also help you recharge your faith to your stomach!

📌 I believe that many simple traders have not read the Bitcoin white paper, but it doesn’t matter if they don’t read the white paper. We only need to know that BTC is currently the most successful electronic cash payment system in the world. The Chinese translation of the white paper is: "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System"

Bitcoin "origin", the financial crisis in 2008,

During the 2008 financial crisis, Satoshi Nakamoto published a paper titled "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System", which officially announced the concept of Bitcoin. This groundbreaking document details a decentralized digital currency system that enables direct transactions between users without going through traditional financial institutions.

As the world's first decentralized cryptocurrency, Bitcoin has not only triggered financial disruptions around the world since its birth in 2009, but has also led people to rethink and reshape the way payment and credit systems are. The advantage of Bitcoin lies in its innovative characteristics, which can solve problems that cannot be solved in the traditional financial system.

🎈1. Decentralization

No central issuing or management agency: Bitcoin is issued and managed through a decentralized network, without the control of a central authority. This means that compared to traditional currencies, Bitcoin is not controlled by any central bank or government.

Enhanced security and transparency: The decentralized nature of Bitcoin gives Bitcoin an advantage in security and transparency. Because Bitcoin's transaction records are stored on a distributed ledger, the blockchain, which is open and transparent, anyone can audit and verify transactions, and the immutable nature of the data enhances the security of the system.

🎈2. Global payment network

No intermediary is required: Bitcoin transactions do not require intermediaries such as banks or payment gateways, which reduces transaction costs and prevents the problem of excessive concentration of control by intermediaries.

🎈3. Financial privacy protection

Although all Bitcoin transactions are public, the owner of a Bitcoin address is usually anonymous. This unique anonymity protects the user's financial privacy, but the disadvantage is that it also brings about the problem of money laundering and opaque fund flows.

Preventing personal funds from being frozen: Unlike bank accounts, personal Bitcoin accounts are unlikely to be frozen or seized. This is because of the decentralized nature of Bitcoin, and no centralized institution can unilaterally restrict or control user access.

🎈4. Supply stability

The total supply of Bitcoin is designed to never exceed 21 million. This fixed supply can avoid the problem of inflation, which is a challenge faced by many fiat currencies.

Transparent monetary policy: Bitcoin's monetary policy is completely transparent and is determined by algorithms without intervention from any government or institution. This ensures Bitcoin's value preservation and storage function.

🎈5. Resistant to censorship and corruption

Difficult to be censored: Due to the decentralized nature of Bitcoin, it is difficult to be censored or restricted by a single authority. This makes Bitcoin a particularly popular tool in areas affected by political instability and currency controls.

Reduce corruption: Bitcoin transaction records are immutable. Once recorded, they cannot be changed or deleted. This greatly reduces the possibility of financial corruption and increases the transparency of financial activities.

📌After understanding the advantages of Bitcoin, everyone should also pay attention to the following important matters:

Although Bitcoin provides a high degree of privacy protection, users still need to be vigilant about security issues, especially the custody of private keys and prevention of hacker attacks. Bitcoin prices are highly volatile, and investors need to have a deep understanding of the market and be prepared to face possible investment risks.

🎈 Uniqueness: Each Bitcoin is unique, and its answer is unique. Bitcoin is stored in the user's hard drive. If the hard drive is lost or formatted, the Bitcoin inside will disappear.

📌 Value growth: Initially, the value of Bitcoin was low, but over time, it attracted more and more attention and its value rose accordingly.Bitcoin has become an object of speculation and investment, and has also spawned various trading platforms and services. After the ETF was passed this year, more institutions are allocating BTC.

📌Value and Development First Transaction: In 2010, the first actual use transaction of Bitcoin was completed. Someone used Bitcoin to buy two pizzas, marking that Bitcoin began to be recognized and used for transactions in the real world. This is also the origin of Pizza Day.

Although centralized finance has facilitated society, it has also left many disadvantages. If you have not really come into contact with the disadvantages of centralized finance, it is difficult to discover the meaning of BTC's existence. It is also difficult to know the beliefs of the coin hoarders.

Finally, do you hold more than 0.1 BTC?