How do you view the current market situation and how should you respond? Analysis of several key points:

1. BTC spot ETF achieved a net inflow of approximately US$610 million and US$330 million the day before and yesterday, respectively, showing that institutions are actively buying in, which undoubtedly brings bullish signals to the market.

2. The Bank of Canada has already implemented a rate cut policy in advance, and the market generally expects the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates in advance. This expectation has triggered early speculation in the market, and the impact of the rate cut on the market is gradually emerging.

3. There are currently many bearish people, with more than US$1.5 billion in short positions waiting to be liquidated at US$72,000, but the short force may become a booster for the market. In this case, the market appears to be safer, and BTC is expected to break through the 73,000 mark.

Once the breakthrough is achieved, other altcoins are also expected to follow the rise and usher in a new spring.

4. Finally, judging from the daily K trend of BTC, the bullish trend is still strong and has not shown signs of peaking. After a period of consolidation and repair, BTC is expected to rush straight to 75,000 points next week.

In summary, although there are certain fluctuations and uncertainties in the market, the overall trend is still positive. We should pay close attention to market dynamics and reasonably allocate space to cope with possible risks and opportunities.