Those who argue are all talented people. The lowest price of PEOPLE is 0.102, and the price we issued is 0.095. Does this number of 0.007 affect your spot trading? Because the position of 0.007 caused you to miss 30% of the market, where is the problem?

I often emphasize that the copycat only does spot trading, and you don’t need to be accurate to decimal points before entering the spot market, just like BTC, how many people missed thousands of points of market because of a few points. I believe that everyone who trades in coins has experienced this lesson, including NOT. Is the position of 0.021 accurate enough? But did you really strictly implement it?

Don’t make your operation periodic and mechanical. You must know its logic and periodicity when buying a coin. What I send to everyone is more of a reference idea! As long as you can really copy the bottom to the decimal point, copy the big bottom, then you should have made a fortune in the beginning of the bull market, instead of asking me questions about precision to the decimal point.