We are currently at the node of the AI ​​revolution. From the three previous liberations of productivity, there are several very obvious laws in the process of improving productivity.

If the AI ​​revolution occurs, what changes will the social form have?

The emergence of feudal society enabled a large number of slaves and civilians to obtain land and become farmers, liberating productivity and improving productivity.

The emergence of the industrial revolution enabled a large number of farmers to enter factories. The use of machinery improved the primary industry while the secondary industry experienced explosive growth.

The emergence of the computer revolution enabled a large number of farmers and workers to realize their wealth through traffic, and the number of merchants increased exponentially, greatly improving the primary and secondary industries while the tertiary industry experienced explosive growth.

We are currently at the node of the AI ​​revolution. From the three previous liberations of productivity, there are several very obvious laws in the process of improving productivity.

First, the social transformation from thousands of years of feudal society to hundreds of years of industrial revolution to decades of computer revolution, this AI revolution may only take more than ten years or even shorter to complete.

Second, from the "farmers" of feudal society to the "workers" of the industrial revolution to the "merchants" of the computer revolution, this AI revolution may greatly change the composition of the "scholars", that is, the reconstruction of the superstructure.

Third, the total wealth of society will continue to increase, but the proportion of each industry will be led by the revolution. For example, if the total wealth of feudal society is 100, the primary industry may account for 90. After the industrial revolution, the primary industry of society may reach 200, but the total social wealth is 1000, and the secondary industry leading the revolution will have 700. After the computer revolution, the primary industry may reach 500, the secondary industry will have 2000, but the total social wealth is 6000, and the tertiary industry leading the revolution will have 3500. That is, although the total amount increases, the proportion of production capacity outside the revolution decreases.

Therefore, when the AI ​​revolution is completed, the digital economy will inevitably dominate the total social wealth.

Fourth, feudal society forced people to become farmers and "killed" slaves. The industrial revolution forced farmers to become workers. The computer revolution forced farmers and workers to become businessmen. But the logic of the AI ​​revolution will inevitably change. There will not be so many scholars.

The ultimate result of the AI ​​revolution should be to "kill" the vast majority of workers, farmers, scholars and merchants.Reconstructing the social structure, reconstructing the distribution mechanism, and liberating the time of most people. It is possible to usher in a relative sense of communism. But before that, there will inevitably be a period of extreme turbulence.

#山寨季何时到来? #AI爆发