
Is a major market opportunity coming?

Generally speaking, the market tends to experience extremely large fluctuations about three months after the halving.

At present, more than a month has passed since the halving. If another one or two months pass, from the perspective of time, it is basically close to the appropriate node where major changes may occur.

It is worth noting that on November 5, the Americans will usher in the general election. You must know that "printing money" has always been their common means, and Trump is even more supportive of this market.

It can be said that there should be considerable opportunities for the market in the two months before the election.

In addition, the US interest rate cut will definitely happen this year, but whether it will be in July, September or later is still unknown, but the later it is, the stronger the expectation of such a rate cut will become.

At the same time, the landing of ETH's spot ETF trading is also a very important hype expectation in the second half of the year. With many factors intertwined, the future trend of the market is really exciting and concerning.

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