Breaking news❗️The US job market is really not doing well! The small non-farm payrolls data released last night showed only 152,000 new jobs, significantly lower than the expected 175,000, and the employment data for April was revised from 192,000 to 188,000. The manufacturing industry slowed down significantly, with almost no new jobs, and the wage increase has slowed to the lowest level in three years, paving the way for the Fed's September rate cut.

Coincidentally, the number of job vacancies at the Fed's favorite Jots was also announced last night, and it also dropped significantly. These two figures add up to show that the current US job market is really not doing well!

But is the US economy in recession?❓❓ It's really not because the past 7 times the US economy has experienced recessions due to interest rate hikes, all have a common feature, that is, the decline in private sector investment, the average decline is 1.6%, and the decline in the US economy is only 1.7%. That is to say, private sector investment can almost represent the barometer of the US economic recession, and entering the end of this interest rate hike cycle in 2024, US private investment has not decreased but increased.

Since it has only increased and not decreased, Canada tonight and Europe will cut interest rates tomorrow. Strategy: only take long and not short, whoever is short will cry😭, those who haven't got on the train yet should find an opportunity to take the needle and get on the train. Follow Abi to share real-time strategy data every day. #热门话题 #MegadropLista #5月非农数据即将公布 #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥