In the last round of prosperity of the Bitcoin ecosystem, Sats briefly surpassed Ordi, but this advantage did not last and Ordi soon regained its leading position. Today, the market is also calling for whether Dog can surpass Ordi, but objective analysis shows that Dog does not currently have sufficient conditions to surpass Ordi. Ordi is currently in a recovery phase and has just come out of the bottom, showing strong growth momentum.

The main driving force for Dog's rise comes from the expectation that it may be listed on a large exchange in the future. This expectation is similar to the situation when Rats was expected to be listed on Binance last year, both of which are based on the market's optimistic estimate of the future potential of the project. However, this kind of expectation-based rise is often accompanied by higher risks. Once the expectations are not realized, the price may suffer a sharp correction.

From the overall development of the Bitcoin ecosystem, Ordi, as the first leading project to stand out, has a status and role that other protocol leaders and meme projects cannot match.

Ordi's success not only laid the foundation for the prosperity of the Bitcoin ecosystem, but also provided valuable experience and inspiration for other projects. At present, Ordi has started a new round of rise, with its first target set at 500U and the second target at 1000U. This shows that the market is full of confidence in the future development of Ordi, and also expects it to continue to lead the prosperity of the Bitcoin ecosystem.

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