New mining is coming, Binance new coin mining is now online with the 55th project, using BNB and FDUSD to mine IO.NET (IO)

Important note: Binance will be the first platform to list this token, and trading will be open on June 11, 2024 at 20:00 (Eastern Time 8). Any claim to sell the token before the specified timeline is false advertising. Please do your own research to ensure the safety of your funds!

Binance new coin mining is now online with the 55th project - IO.NET (IO), a decentralized artificial intelligence computing and cloud platform.

Total amount: 800 million

I personally feel that there is no technical advantage, it is a cloud platform that simply accumulates hardware🐶

But not everything can rise to the sky, everything is possible.

As of now, $BNB has fallen slightly