Recommended #mask

Current price 3.66, 20% position, 3.2-3.6 low-price orders continue to be accepted, web3 social leader, short-term doubled

What happened in the past 24 hours #Crypto#

▪️ Backpack has launched ZKJ trading and opened trading rewards.

▪️ Nvidia has surpassed Apple to become the second largest company in market value, affecting the momentum of the encrypted#artificialintelligence# field. #ai#

▪️ MASK - Mask Network announced that the first season of MASK staking will be launched soon.

▪️ OM - Mantra has cooperated with ZAND BANK, which has obtained a license from the Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates.

▪️ TAIKO - Upbit announced the listing of Taiko. The trading start date has not yet been determined.

▪️ W - Wormhole co-founder RobinsonBurkey hinted that the staking function will be released.

▪️ Galxe announced the time and details of the first batch of GAL staking snapshots.

▪️ Modular game Layer1 Tabi released the details of the token public sale.

▪️ Modular blockchain project Nubit completed an $8 million seed round of financing, led by Polychain Capital.