
Initia Week 4 Mission
Portal: https://app.testnet.initia.xyz/xp

first step

Go back to the official website and click on the first

After entering, fill in the amount 1 and click Continue, then click on the wallet to confirm (if USDC is not enough, see below)

If you don’t have enough USDC, we can click SWAP in the upper right corner, enter the amount, and click Continue to exchange USDC.

Step 2

Or go back to the home page and select the second

After entering, the amount and network are already selected for you. Just go to the next step without thinking. Once the wallet is confirmed, it is done (if you don’t have enough INT, you need to go to get water. You need a humanity score of more than 20 points. There is a tutorial at the bottom)

third step

Go back to the home page and click on the third

He filled it out for us again. After we clicked Continue, we kept clicking until the wallet confirmed it and it was done (TIA is not enough, see below)

If TIA is not enough, we still go to swap, enter the amount, select the currency, and click Continue to exchange.

the fourth step

Go back to the home page and click on the fourth

After entering, he has filled in all the information. Just click Continue until the wallet confirms that it is complete (see below if TUC is not enough)

Click SWAP in the upper left corner, enter the exchange amount, select TUC network, and click Continue to complete the exchange.

the fifth step

Go back to the home page and click on the fifth

After entering, he has chosen everything for us. Click Continue, and then keep clicking until the wallet confirms this step and it is complete (If ETH is not enough, see below)

If you don’t have enough ETH, click SWAP in the upper left corner to enter the amount, select ETH, and click Continue to complete the exchange.

Step 6

Go back to the home page and click on the 6th

After we come in, he has chosen everything for us. We just need to continue in the lower left corner without thinking. We will complete it if we keep clicking until the wallet is confirmed. (If you don’t have enough INT, you need to go to get water. You need to have a humanity score of more than 20 points. There is a tutorial below)

Let's go back to the homepage. If everything here is green, it means our fourth week task is over. If there are any that are not green, just click in and repeat the operation.

Don’t forget your pets!

Humanity Score 20 Points Tutorial

Portal: https://passport.gitcoin.co/ This is where we get points. See below for details.

1. Go to the mainnet to mint a free ERC-721 NFT

Portal: https://mint.fun/feed/trending

Open the link, click on the wallet link in the upper left corner, and select ETH network on the right

After entering, choose a free mint. Remember to check that it must be ERC721. After the mint is completed, verify it and you can get 1.03 points.

2. Go to Civic and mint a pass card

Portal: https://getpass.civic.com

After entering, click on the wallet link in the upper right corner and select the horseshoe chain

After the connection is completed, click GET PASS and then MINT. You need a little MATIC to issue a little gas for verification. There are 1.01 points

3. Holonym completed kyc verification (cost 10U) 16.03 points

Portal: https://app.holonym.id/issuance

Click here after entering

Then link our wallet

After the connection is complete, select this

Click here to verify after entering

Click Continue

After entering, select the network where you have ETH balance (minting costs 10U plus gas, which costs about 12U)

Then click on payment. After the payment is completed, upload your ID card to complete the real-name registration.

This step will take about an hour.

After the real-name authentication is completed, you can return to MINT and get an NFT. This step is free.

This is success.

Finally, go back to https://passport.gitcoin.co and find Holonym and select all verifications. Completing this step will add 16.03 points

4. Finally, bind your social account

Link your Google account +0.53 points, link your Discord +0.52 points, link your Linkedin +1.53 points

When you have finished everything, you will have 20 points and can go back to get water.