#ULTI will be online at 6pm! The next one is $NOT , and the next one is $BB

I am really stimulated by the increase of new coins NOT and BB, which has increased several times!

It is true that they only copy the new and not the old. The new coin has increased so much. ULTI, which is also in the game sector, AI sector, and new coin sector, will not disappoint everyone. How can it double? Several times would be very comfortable, but looking at the increase of NOT and BB, I believe it will not be bad!

Countdown 6 hours, are you ready? Dabai ok just turned more than 80w dollars, make a big wave! 3wu, 5wu, 10wu and more!

Look at the situation at the opening, don’t rush in directly to the high point, wait for Dabai to be optimistic about the situation, wait for my signal

I don’t know when to enter the market when it goes online, think about what to do?

#bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来? #5月非农数据即将公布