BTC and ETH both broke through at midnight last night, and the trend seems good. Therefore, today's intraday operations are still mainly low-buying. BTC's amplitude yesterday was not large, and the lowest fell back to around 70,400. If it falls back to around 70,500 today, you can consider buying low with a small position. Although I am optimistic that this wave of market will set a new high, as the rise becomes stronger, you need to be more careful to prevent sudden adjustments. Be aware of risks at all times!

For ETH, you can consider buying low in the 3840-3800 range during the day. Once it breaks through 3850, it is expected that the price will also accelerate towards 4000. After all, the 3700-3850 range has been fluctuating for many days, and there should be a breakthrough!

As for sol, the lowest point has reached around 170. Yesterday's analysis suggested buying low when it falls back to around 170-168, and now it has reached the lowest point of 170. For short-term operations, you can consider waiting and entering the market around 180!