In a bull market, there is a saying that "a thousand gold coins cannot buy a bull back".

This means that every decline in a bull market is an opportunity. Although many people will panic and rush to sell when it declines, in fact, the decline in a bull market is temporary and will eventually rebound.

There is a trick: in a bull market, even if the decline is fierce, it is only a temporary phenomenon. Prices will repeat several times in the order of "fall-recover-new high-fall-sideways-rebound-new high". If market fluctuations make you feel uneasy, you might as well temporarily close the trading software and wait for a few months, and the market will naturally recover. For example, the past two months may have been uncomfortable, but by the end of May, most of it has basically recovered. Therefore, in a bull market, being patient and enjoying market fluctuations is a wise choice for most people.