The rotation of funds has begun. All the cottages that have not risen will rebound. The decline in May is basically the bottom area of ​​the second half of the bull market. Hold on to your chips. Wherever the hot spots are, the money will go, and you should follow them.

WOO has a good trend at the daily level, with daily trading volume increasing steadily, and MACD is about to cross above the zero axis. Current price: 0.3396, add 0.315-0.269, stop loss 0.255, take profit 0.396-0.448

METIS As the second layer of Ethereum, the dealer is also very active. The daily level has been fluctuating sideways for more than ten days, and it may explode at any time. Current price: 78.57, add 59.8, stop loss below 62, take profit 83.6-92.6-103

BRC20 inscription

ORDI closed a cross star on the daily line, and the trading volume continued to increase. The price is still near the neckline. The expected retracement did not appear, but chose a strong sideways trend. After a slight adjustment, it will continue to rise. Let's see how Bitcoin goes

SATS is more trendy than ordi Slightly weak, it is estimated that there will be a rebound after ordi comes out. There is no sharp drop at the daily level. If you have goods, hold them and wait for the rise.

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