According to ChainCatcher, according to China Business News, former US President Trump's campaign team announced on June 3rd that they and the Republican National Committee (GOP) raised $141 million in May. This figure is much higher than the $76 million they raised in April. Trump's campaign team said that the fundraising in May benefited from small grassroots donations, with an average donation of $70.27, of which 25% of donors donated to Trump for the first time. In addition to the fundraising by the Trump campaign team and the Republican National Committee, external committees supporting Trump raised $150 million in May. Therefore, it is roughly estimated that the Trump campaign team received nearly $300 million in funds in May.

Biden's campaign has not yet released its fundraising totals for May. Data released by both camps in April showed that Trump and the Republican camp raised $76 million in April, surpassing for the first time the $51 million reported by Biden and the Democratic National Committee that month.