The second half of the bull market has officially begun. Everyone, get ready to enjoy the crazy market in the next few months! 《Everyone has finished reading. Practical. Worth learning》

If you haven't laid out yet, hurry up. It may be your last time to enter the market. If you are volatile in the next few days, hurry up to lay out. Friends who don't know how to allocate positions can really take a good look at my push. Various practical information is worth learning. Those who don't know how to allocate positions and don't know how to choose type B can DM me to guide you to lay out one-on-one guidance ⚠️ The following are some additional analysis and suggestions to help you better cope with the upcoming bull market:

1. Bitcoin's trend: Bitcoin's callback seems to have ended. The monthly line touched the rising support line and stabilized, indicating that the second round of offensive is about to start, aiming at a record high. Since you are confident in the future trend, enter the market decisively.

2. Ethereum's potential: Ethereum will perform even stronger in the second half. The promotion of ETFs, the prosperity of the ecosystem, and the increase in pledge tools and data are expected to bring positive deflationary effects. Under multiple positive factors, Ethereum will continue to strengthen.

3. Market main line: AI, games, social networking, MEME, public chains, pledges and wallets are still the main hype directions of this bull market. Understand these hot spots and you can seize market opportunities.

4. Market trend: Overall, the market trend is upward, so there is no need for too much technical analysis to push coins now. The pullback and stabilization after the surge are all good opportunities to enter the market.

5. Investment strategy: Avoid frequent position changes. The experience of multiple rounds of bull market cycles shows that the chips bought at the bottom are the most precious. Don't throw away these precious chips because of chasing the rise. Only when the wind comes, there will be a big harvest. Remember, only those who go all out can return with a full load. #bnb历史新高 #山寨季何时到来? #山寨季何时到来? #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #BTC走势分析